Thursday, June 28, 2012

Social Bookmarks

I thoroughly enjoyed the social bookmark assignment.  I found many websites that will be useful in my classroom with many great ideas.  I love to be inspired by ideas from other people and then tweak what they did to fit my needs.  As a teacher, one thing I have learned is that I don’t have to reinvent the wheel and by bookmarking websites using Diigo that will help me keep ideas organized. 
            I had never heard of Diigo before this project but I know that it is a resource I will continue to use.  Before using Diigo if I came across a website I would want to remember or use again, I would just save it in “My Favorites.”  Diigo allowed me organize the websites with the tags that I created. Diigo reminded me of Pinterest but without the pictures.   I love the fact that I can click on the tag that I created for the website and I was able to see all the websites that were in that category.
            I found that after I had completed the requirements for this assignment that I continued to use Diigo.  I will continue to use it in the future because it is the easiest way to organize websites that I find useful.  Below is the link to my Diigo bookmark page.

        After creating my bookmarks, I then used to create a word cloud with all the tags I used to organize my websites.   I had never used Wordle before and I loved it as well.  I liked how I had to opportunity to personalize my word cloud by choosing the font and colors used.  After I created my word cloud, I had a couple ideas for how to use Wordle in the classroom and outside the classroom.  It is a website that can be used for many different purposes.  One way I would use Wordle in the classroom, would be to have the students create word clouds for the different parts of speech and post them in the classroom.  Below is my word cloud using my tags from the Diigo bookmark assignment. 

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