Monday, June 25, 2012

Digital Citizenship

Being a good digital citizen is as important as being a good citizen in society.  A good digital citizen is a person who is careful with personal information when on the Internet and considers copyright and fair use rules.  Being a good digital citizen means that a person is considerate of the work that others have done and posted on the Internet.  If you use someone else’s work that was found online, then you must make sure that you cite it correctly to show that the work is not your own.   A good digital citizen would also need to make sure he or she is treating others kindly when online; the saying treat others the way you want to be treated can also be applied when online. 

A good digital reputation would cite other people’s work, carefully posts information online, treats others fairly, and not plagiarize.  When looking at people’s work online whether it is in a blog, wiki, or webpage, you would want to look at how the information is presented.  How a person portrays him or herself digitally is just like how he or she acts in person.  When online a person must consider what they are saying, endorsing, or following.  Just like in life, a person wants to always make sure that he or she is putting the best foot forward and giving a good first impression.  A good digital reputation should be looked for just like looking for a good reputation in a person you would meet in person.

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