Monday, June 11, 2012

Web 2.0 Resources

Concept map using
The website makes creating a concept map extremely easy.  The concept map can be formatted to fit your specific needs for your topic.  I enjoyed using it because usually pre-made concept maps don't fit my needs and creating them through other programs were more work than it should be.  With, I could add the information I needed and maneuver the bubbles were I needed them to be.  This program would be easy for students to use to create their own concept map.

At first I found Gloglster difficult to use but the more I played around with it I understood it more.  The hardest part for me was embedding the video.  I liked how I could make the look of the page fit my topic or any topic.  This would be a website that I would use with students to create their own page about units.  I would also use Glogster to display the overview of a unit or concept on my teacher website or blog so that parents can see what we are learning in class and can have access to the same information.

Using Animoto was very easy and the website was easy to follow on how to use it.  There were 3 simple steps to create a video and it would be effective to use in the classroom because it would allow students to express themselves about a specific topic.  First select the music, the theme of movie, and then drop in the pictures that you want to use and then you're done.  The videos created through Animoto would be great to use to introduce a new topic in the classroom
This website allows you to create games for whatever topic you like.  All you have to do is enter the questions and then it automatically puts them into a game that students can play.  I found it difficult to save the games once the questions had been entered and saved.  The website also provides graphic organizers.

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