Monday, July 9, 2012

Google Reader

During the summer semester for my Technology and Education class, I have been reading 7 blogs and keeping up with them through Google Reader.  I had not used Google Reader before to keep up with blogs that I like to read.  Even after using it for this assignment, I have found that I prefer to go to the blog web page.  In the past I have simply booked marked the blogs I enjoy and keep up with them that way.  I found that some of the blogs did not always relate to what I would be teaching.  I did find many good ideas from them as well.  Below is the list of the 7 blogs that I have been reading.

Will Richardson

Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day

Free Technology for Teachers

A Media Specialist’s Guide to the Internet

Mr. Salsich’s Class

My favorite blog to read was The First Grade Parade.  Even though I have been teaching sixth grade for 3 years, I loved all the ideas Mrs. Carroll posted on her blog. I had heard about this blog from a friend and was able to read many of the past posts.  I found through reading the past posts that Mrs. Carroll has a account and that you can buy the things activities that she has created.  I know that if I ever taught first grade I would definitely use her blog as a resource and potentially buy some of the materials she has created.

My favorite blog post from reading the different blogs was Visitors and Flags from Around the World  from Mr. Salsich’s Class.  In this blog post, the students drew pictures of the flags from the countries that their blog visitors are from.  I thought this was a neat idea because it allowed the students to see how the Internet connects people all over the world. It can also show the students that they can do something to help people anywhere in the world.

After reading all the blogs over the last month, I know that there are a couple I will continue to keep up with.  I like the blogs that are written by classroom teachers the best because they are sharing what is working for them and that gives me ideas about what I can do in my classroom. 

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